Jason Lewis

Jason Lewis
February 28, 2024 aêtava

Jason Lewis

designer based in : CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

the designer BOX

Jason Lewis’s journey into furniture design began as a break from the monotony of day trading in the late ’90s. Seeking a more hands-on and fulfilling path, he turned to his childhood love for woodworking and embarked on an apprenticeship with Berthold Schwaiger in 2001. This experience reignited his passion for crafting with wood, leading him to establish his own design studio in Chicago.

Growing up in a family of builders and engineers in the Midwest, Lewis has been creating with wood since his early years. His studio, founded in 2001, focuses on producing high-quality, modern furniture while also undertaking custom projects. Inspired by traditional fine woodworking techniques and the clean lines of midcentury design, Lewis’s work reflects a blend of craftsmanship and timeless simplicity.

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