Pierre Jeanneret

Pierre Jeanneret
March 26, 2024 aêtava

Pierre Jeanneret

design studio based in : GENEVA, SWITZERLAND

the studio BOX

Pierre Jeanneret (1896-1967) is best known for his collaboration with his cousin, Le Corbusier, in the field of architecture and furniture design. Together, they created iconic works of midcentury modernism, including the Villa Savoye in France and the Grand Modele seating collection. Jeanneret’s role extended beyond mere collaboration; he often stimulated Le Corbusier’s imagination and moderated it with his own realism, ensuring the continuity and technical precision of their projects.

Jeanneret’s influence extended to urban planning, particularly in his work in Chandigarh, India, where he became the Chief Architect and Urban Planning Designer. He played a crucial role in shaping the city’s modern architectural landscape, staying there for fifteen years until ill health forced him to return to France, where he passed away in 1967. His legacy lives on in his contributions to modern architecture and design.

Pierre Jeanneret

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